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Opportunity Details

Packing Food Bags

COVID UPDATE: We are still needing volunteers to pack food bags for our clients! We have made some adjustments to protect our clients, who are part of a vulnerable population:

  • We will only allow volunteers who are healthy and who have been practicing social distancing and Safer At Home.
  • We will only allow up to 2 volunteers at a time, to allow space for social distancing.
  • We will provide gloves and facemasks.
  • We have extended the shift to 4-6pm to allow more time for less volunteers to pack the bags.

Note that if you sign-up, PLEASE show up! With less volunteers, we have less wiggle room for absences, and we need to get food out to our clients now more than ever!
Assemble food bags for clients of Nashville CARES. This is an important service that helps people living with HIV/AIDS to manage their lives more effectively and have access to proper nutrition.
Volunteers will pack several hundred bags of dry food (canned, boxed, bagged). We are sent this food in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, and pack it every week in order to feed our clients. The clients who receive this food are HIV +, and with limited resources. Often, they are older, medically fragile, currently unable to hold a job due to medical conditions, or they have a limited food budget due to medical bills. Our weekly food bags are one of the several nutrition programs designed to keep them happy and healthy! With consistent food, clients are more likely to stay healthy in other ways, including taking their medications.
This project is open to volunteers age 16 and older.

This project does not qualify for court ordered community service hours.
Hands On Nashville (HON) encourages all volunteers follow CDC guidelines by getting vaccinated and wearing a mask indoors, including at service opportunities. 
However, this project is led by our partner organization, and they will determine COVID safety measures at the event. If you have questions, please reach out to the opportunity coordinator listed below. 
If you feel unsafe at a volunteer project, please reach out to or share your feedback in our post-service survey. Your feedback is invaluable – it will be shared with our partners and used to inform future policy decisions. 


The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Health & Wellness

Age Minimum (with Adult): 16+, Minimum Age:16+

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Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

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