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Opportunity Details

Shelby Park Seedling Care Taker

Looking for a regular, long-term way to give back to Shelby Park? Do you love trees and enjoy watering plants? Consider being a Seedling Care Taker! We have been planting trees in the park and need help caring for them. 
What is the community impact of this event?
This effort is an integral part of our Restore the Forest program, which aims to remove invasive plants that harm our local environments and replace them with native plant species. This program aims to restore our local ecosystems, protect biodiversity, and return our forests to their beautiful natural state. Healthy ecosystems are vital to healthy people and communities!
What will volunteers be doing?
You will be wandering through the verdant forest, carrying jugs of water to pour on our little tree friends. Our newly planted trees will be marked with hi-visibility flags for ease of location. We will be mapping these trees and providing you with certain zones to water. Waterings will need to happen regularly - once a week. You can let us know which day is best for you and that will be your watering day. We will provide the water and containers for transporting water. We are looking for folks who can commit to a regular watering schedule for at least a few weeks. 
What should volunteers bring to this event?
A water bottle to water yourself and close-toed shoes 

  • We will be right next to the community center, which has a bathroom, air conditioning, and water fountain, and opens at 10am.
  • The jugs we are carrying are about 8 pounds each. No one will be carrying more than 2 at a time.
  • This event will include walking up to a mile on uneven surfaces off-trail.
  • A reminder: don’t leave valuables in the car!

Contact info/feel free to reach out with any questions
Questions? Feel free to send me an email at If you express interest, we will be in touch to coordinate best watering schedule and to get you set-up. We may ask that you attend a supervised watering first to get your bearings. 
Founded in 2008, Friends of Shelby is a private, nonprofit organization working to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms for everyone to appreciate and protect. We work to protect the natural and historical integrity of the area by supporting appropriate recreational activities, maintaining and enhancing its features, promoting programs that inspire appreciation and conservation of the Park and Bottoms, and advocating for a level playing field for the various user groups.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Environment & Sustainability

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

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